<b><span>Qualified and Experienced Tutors</span></b> <b>Committed to Your Success</b>
<b><span>Qualified and Experienced Tutors</span></b> <b>Committed to Your Success</b>
Qualified and Experienced Tutors Committed to Your Success
Our tutors are experts in their fields, with a passion for teaching and helping students succeed. Benefit from our wealth of experience and knowledge.
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<b><span>Tailored Tutoring Solutions</span></b><b>With Individualized Strategies for Effective Learning</b>
<b><span>Tailored Tutoring Solutions</span></b><b>With Individualized Strategies for Effective Learning</b>
Tailored Tutoring SolutionsWith Individualized Strategies for Effective Learning
Each student's learning style is unique. Our tutors adapt to your needs, delivering a custom learning plan to help you reach your academic goals effectively.
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<b><span>Welcome to CMG Tutoring LLC</span></b><b>Your Gateway to Academic Success! </b>
<b><span>Welcome to CMG Tutoring LLC</span></b><b>Your Gateway to Academic Success! </b>
Welcome to CMG Tutoring LLCYour Gateway to Academic Success!
We provide personalized, goal-driven tutoring services to empower students and inspire lifelong learning. Let's uncover your academic potential together!
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GET READY TO <b>LEARN <span>WITH US</span><b/>
GET READY TO <b>LEARN <span>WITH US</span><b/>
It is very important for students to follow our tutoring guidelines, but at the same time they have to work hard. Join us on one-to-one tutoring sessions whether online or in-person. Why to wait? Together all the way to success!
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My Subjects

Basic Math

Algebra Geometry Trigonometry

Advanced Math

Calculus Linear Algebra Probability Statistics

Core Computer Science

Computational Mathematics Introduction to computer science Computer Architecture Computer N...

Advanced Computer Science

Operating Systems Computer Vision Software Engineering Safety-critical systems Software ...

Programming Languages

C, C++, Python, Dart, Java, JavaScript, C#. Rust, Julia.

Cloud Computing

AWS (Amazon) Google Cloud Firebase Azure (Microsoft)

Mobile/Web/Desktop/IoT cross-platform development.

Flutter/Dart React/JavaScript

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Data Science

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing represents the next frontier of computer technology, harnessing the peculiar yet p...

Years Experience
About us


"We Help You Improve your Academic Score & More!"

Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Computer Science

B.Sc. in Mathematics

Hi, I’m Julio! I am a British-Mexican citizen and therefore I also speak Spanish. I graduated from a top-world-class university, the University of Bristol, United Kingdom with a PhD degree in Computer Science, and also a MSc degree in Computer Science and B.Sc. degree. At university, I realized the classes I appreciated most were not necessarily the topics I was most interested in. Rather, it was the professors who made the classes more enjoyable. These professors were always engaging and comprehensible when teaching the material in the classroom, and willing to go the extra mile when I asked for additional help or clarification. I try to bring this knowledge to my tutoring approach, and do everything I can to make learning a pleasant experience. I use lesson plans in which I usually introduce the topic in an enjoyable and creative way, then explicitly teach the material. Afterwards, I always ensure time for students to practise the material on their own. Of course, this method can be adjusted based on the subject and student’s individual needs.

Dr. Julio Gallardo, Ph.D. - Tutor in Math, AI and Computer Science
Sessions Per Day
Satisfaction Rate


One to One in-person and Online Tutoring!

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We Have World-Class and Experienced Tutors!

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Our Process

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Join Our Regular Test Series!

Join Our Regular Test Series!

Join Our Regular Test Series!

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Our Testimonials

We believe that the best proof of our effectiveness comes directly from the individuals who have experienced our tutoring services first-hand. Take a look at what some of our students have to say about their journey with us. At CMG Tutoring LLC, we take pride in delivering a personalized and empowering educational experience. Each testimonial below tells a story of transformation and growth, fueled by our comprehensive and engaging approach to tutoring. But don't just take our word for it. Read on and discover how our services have positively impacted the lives of our students, and how we can do the same for you.


    Get In Touch

    Let's Start Your Learning Journey Today. Reach Us Out & We will get Back to you ASAP !

    Have questions or ready to start your educational journey with CMG Tutoring LLC? We're here to help. Reach out to us by filling the contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also reach us directly via phone or email.

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    August 18, 2022 | BY Info

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